In Out Office Monoplace 2023
Mobile workchair
Andreu World, Spain
The In Out Office Monoplace introduces a revolutionary concept in furniture design, merging office and home use with versatility and innovation. Monoplace stands out as a mobile armchair with an integrated work surface, embodying freedom and limitless utility. This design prioritizes user experience, adapting to hybrid and crossover workspaces. Monoplace serves multiple functions: From a playful element in domestic spaces to in a meeting chair, showcasing its versatility. Its innovative approach includes acoustic improvements and various configurations for privacy and openness, addressing «Smart Work» needs. Sustainability and material selection are central to the project, emphasizing transparency, longevity, and eco-friendly choices. Wood, foam, fabric, and strategic metal parts form the core materials, aligning with Andreu World’s commitment to sustainability. The Monoplace from the In Out Office programme is more than just furniture; it is a mobile, sustainable, and innovative solution designed for the evolving workspace.
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