Alfredo Häberli Design Development

In the year 2021, I had the opportunity to design the entire 25 Hours Hotel Zurich West, narrating a multidimensional story of my hometown. This resulted in «The Smile of my Hometown», a city guide featuring a variety of objects and art. In this additional project, the existing concept is being expanded to include the theme of sports. Naturally, Zurich, like probably every city in the world, has a connection to sports with the Leichtathletik-Meeting, Limmatschwimmen, Ironman, etc. However, this design concept is about much more; it's about the world of sports and the fascination behind it.

The idea behind the interior design of the lobby is to evoke a variety of emotions with minimal intervention into the existing space. The design retains the industrial charm of the raw space, highlighted by shades of grey, black, and metallic. Natural wood and leather add warmth and coziness to the room. Visitors should feel welcomed and comfortable. The aesthetics of sports are employed subtly and are not obvious or clumsy; nor are they mere props from thrift stores meant for collection. Instead, the aim, as it was ten years ago, is to use the theme as a starting point and to design with humor, elegance, and intelligence. I want to discover and create new things. The twist is crucial, as is the wink. The goal was to use the same high-quality materials to complement and extend the existing construction.