Alfredo Häberli Design Development

In the issue No. 11/2024 of Das HEFT from the University of Education FHNW, which focuses on «Practical Significance» (Praxisbedeutsamkeit), I have taken the opportunity, in collaboration with photographer Joan Minder, to visually explore this theme. Our photo essay intertwines dreams with reality, examining how theoretical knowledge can be incorporated into the design of practically significant objects.

The series of images presents a small but telling segment of my designs over the past three decades. Through the interplay of dream and reality, compositions were created that appear conceptual at first glance, yet reveal their practical relevance upon closer examination. These images challenge viewers to look beyond the initial impression and discover the actual products within the artistic portrayals. The works illustrate how the merger of theoretical knowledge and creative expression generates added value, emphasizing the practical significance of each designed object. This project reflects not only the tangible aspects of my creations but also delves deeply into the narratives behind each piece, conveying to readers the hidden depth and utility.