MVSC02 Book Launch
February 20th 2018

In December 2016, I gave two lectures at the Maarten Van Severen Chair, which is assigned to the School of Arts in Gent. During one week I hosted a three-day masterclass with 10 students from 5 different art schools. After the masterclass, the participating students kept uploading images of their process on the MVSC blog. The result is a fascinating collection of things, which will be proudly present as the second MVSC Cahier at Design museum Gent. It contains a transcription of my lecture and a visual overview of the masterclass that documents the students’ progress. The cahier is designed by Jurgen Maelfeyt and Jonas Temmerman (6’56”) and is published with Art Paper Editions. It is of limited edition and will be on sale starting from 28. February 2018.
The Maarten Van Severen Foundation, KASK and Royal Conservatory and Design Museum Gent would like to invite you to the presentation of the second MVSC Book on 28. February 2018 / 18:00 at Design Museum Gent.
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